Shabinah Ladha – added to the Pro Bono Recognition List

We are delighted to announce that Shabinah Ladha has been added to the recognition list by Advocate, for her dedication to providing pro bono services.

Miss Ladha takes an active interest in legal issues that pertain to ethnic minorities and the Law including religious marriage (abuse of nikah), religious divorce (Get, Talaq, Khul, Mubaraat), mahr, polygamy (non-recognition of polygamous wives), honour based violence and legal pluralism.

She has provided over 25 hours worth of pro-bono advice on such matters as well as being a member of the Ismaili Legal Team, providing advice to the Ismaili National Council and advising members of the Ismaili Community. Miss Ladha says that taking part in ‘seva’ (selfless voluntary service) has been an integral part of her life.

The Pro Bono Recognition List is a new initiative that recognises barristers and solicitors who have given 25 or more hours of pro bono legal assistance over the previous calendar year.

This year was the first year that the Recognition List was published and saw a total of 3,746 barristers and solicitors recognised, 483 of whom are barristers.

The full list is available here. For more information about Advocate please click here.

If you have already completed 25 or more hours of pro bono work in 2024, you need to complete the submission form to appear on next year’s Recognition List.

To view Shabinah’s profile, please click here.