Business and Property: ToLATA Update May 2020

In this article Matthew Haynes provides an update on ToLATA. To view the article please click here.   To view Matthew Haynes profile click here. ... Continue Reading

Domestic Abuse: Revisiting PD12J in a Post Coronavirus World

Join Jason Hadden MBE and Alyssa Howard, together with guest speaker Professor Shazia Choudhry for a lively discussion of PD12J, against the backdrop of Covid-19. For details please see our events page. ... Continue Reading

Malvika Jaganmohan co hosts podcast on health and wellbeing in the legal community during lockdown

To listen to the podcast please follow the twitter link by clicking here. ... Continue Reading

Event: Resolving conflict without court: An Introduction to Dispute Resolution

Join one of the largest and most experienced Dispute Resolution teams in the country for an introduction to the different types of Dispute Resolution and the services we can offer. Dispute Resolution (‘D... Continue Reading

COVID-19 – trespasser possession and injunction proceedings – Application of the new Civil Procedure Rule Practice Direction 51Z

The back drop to this case is that the new Practice Direction CPR 51Z effectively stays possession proceedings and enforcement issued pursuant to CPR 55 for 90 days from March 2020. It does not need to be ... Continue Reading

A Procedural Roadmap for Easement Claims

Published by the Property Law Journal at PLJ 2020, 381, 33-42 Easement disputes are a staple of real property practice.  Some can be of very high value, particularly where the existence of an easement ha... Continue Reading

Malvika Jaganmohan has been profiled by the pro bono division of the LSESU Law Society

Malvika Jaganmohan has been profiled by the pro bono division of the LSESU Law Society. She discusses the importance of doing pro bono work and of giving back to the community, but warns that pro bono shou... Continue Reading

Malvika Jaganmohan interviews women in Family Law about the impact of Covid-19

Every Monday at 8pm, Malvika Jaganmohan will be interviewing women in Family Law to talk about the impact of Covid-19. The sessions will take place through Instagram Live. To watch the sessions please foll... Continue Reading

Remote hearings: a gulf between lawyers and lay parties? By Malvika Jaganmohan

To view the article by Malvika Jaganmohan, please click here. ... Continue Reading

Ben Douglas-Jones QC (leading Daniel Bunting) appeared for the Crown before the Lord Chief Justice, Edis and Johnson JJ in the leading case of R v DS [2020] EWCA Crim 285

Ben Douglas-Jones QC (leading Daniel Bunting) appeared for the Crown before the Lord Chief Justice, Edis and Johnson JJ in the leading case of R v DS [2020] EWCA Crim 285 in which (1) abuse of process was... Continue Reading