UPDATE – Parental Alienation

Rebecca Cross: Following the parental alienation training session on 2 July 2020, the much awaited decision of Re S [2020] EWHC 1940 (Fam) has now been published. In his judgment, Williams J ordered a tra... Continue Reading

Anya Newman successfully persuades County Court to lift the general stay on Possession Cases.

Anya Newman has recently been successful in persuading the County Court to use its discretion to lift the stay in a possession matter in order to enable the claim to be finalised. Ms Newman acted for Great... Continue Reading

FreeBar Online Pride Event – 14 July 2020

FreeBar will be celebrating Pride this year with a free online event exploring visibility in the legal profession. There will be a panel discussion with speakers from the Bar community to discuss their own... Continue Reading

Ben Douglas-Jones QC and William Douglas-Jones appear in the successful appeal of a conviction following an allegation of an historic sexual offence

Ben Douglas-Jones QC and William Douglas-Jones appear in the successful appeal of a conviction following an allegation of an historic sexual offence. Ben Douglas-Jones QC and William Douglas-Jones  did no... Continue Reading

Domestic Abuse-Revisiting PD12J in a Post Coronavirus World is now available

To view a recorded version of our ‘ Domestic Abuse-Revisiting PD12J in a Post Coronavirus World’ discussion  please find the details below to access. To view the recorded seminar please click ... Continue Reading

Covid 19: Tough Justice on the long haul back to normality by Nicholas Starks

“Any earlier rose-tinted thoughts that ‘this will all be over by July’ have sadly evaporated … it is unlikely that anything approaching a return to the normal court working environment will be achi... Continue Reading

“Somebody has to stand when other people are sitting. Somebody has to speak when other people are quiet.” – Bryan Stevenson

St Ives Chambers joins the global community in condemning the death of George Floyd. To remain silent helps facilitate the systems of white hierarchy and privilege within society, including within the just... Continue Reading

An Update from Nicholas Starks: New Forms H and H1 and changes to the costs rules

Devotees of the Family Procedure Rules 2010 (FPR) will undoubtedly have been eagerly awaiting the ‘new’ costs Forms H and H1, which had been heralded by recent amendments to FPR 9.27. The new forms, wh... Continue Reading

Rebecca Cross and Malvika Jaganmohan will be taking part in ‘ Who wants to be a Family Lawyer?’ held by Women in Family Law

Rebecca Cross and Malvika Jaganmohan will be taking part in the Women in Family Law Event taking place on the 28th May at 6.30pm. Please view further details please click here. ... Continue Reading

Nicholas Starks appointed as a Deputy District Judge

It is with great pleasure that St Ives Chambers can announce the appointment of Nicholas Starks as a Deputy District Judge. Head of Chambers, Jeremy Weston QC, said “I am thrilled to be able to confirm t... Continue Reading