Remote Hearings: An overview of the most recent case law

Practitioners will be only too familiar with the plethora of guidance we have received in recent weeks in connection to remote hearings. ‘The Remote Access Family Court’ guidance by Mr Justice MacDonal... Continue Reading

UPDATE: Z (A Child: committal proceeding) – a reminder that no one can be committed to prison without being named publicly

In this article Malvika Jaganmohan provides an update to the publication of the case of Z, following a new version having been made available naming the father. To view the full article please click here. ... Continue Reading

Enfranchisement under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967: An overview and case law update

In this article Holly Hilbourne-Gollop provides an overview on the law of enfranchisement as it applies to the rights under the Leasehold Reform Act 1967, in relation to a qualifying tenant of a house. To ... Continue Reading

How Should Reviewing Officers Approach the Question of Intentionality?

The position when dealing with intentional homelessness following the decision of LB v London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2020] EWCA Civ 439. This article focusses on the approach that reviewing officers sho... Continue Reading

“For every promise, there is a price to pay” Re-visiting the Doctrine of Proprietary Estoppel in Guest v Guest [2020] EWCA Civ 387

“The basic ingredients for proprietary estoppel are well known, and many property practitioners would feel comfortable in spotting an estoppel when it has arisen.  However, there is a shadowy ques... Continue Reading

But seriously, what next? Consideration of the doctrine of frustration.

One way and another, now seems like it might be a timely moment to refresh the memory on the doctrine of frustration; one rather suspects that in coming days and weeks it may become a more common feature o... Continue Reading

COVID-19 – trespasser possession and injunction proceedings – Application of the new Civil Procedure Rule Practice Direction 51Z

The back drop to this case is that the new Practice Direction CPR 51Z effectively stays possession proceedings and enforcement issued pursuant to CPR 55 for 90 days from March 2020. It does not need to be ... Continue Reading

Vulnerable witnesses in care proceedings

In this article, Natalie Cross considers what amounts to a vulnerable witness and how practitioners can identify vulnerability. The full article is published in Family Law. To view the article, please clic... Continue Reading

The Release of Prisoners (Alteration of Relevant Proportion of Sentence) Order 2019 – An Update

As of 1st of April 2020, the Government’s election pledge of delaying the release point of serious sexual and violent offenders came into force by way of the Release of Prisoners (Alteration of Relevant ... Continue Reading

A Procedural Roadmap for Easement Claims

Published by the Property Law Journal at PLJ 2020, 381, 33-42 Easement disputes are a staple of real property practice.  Some can be of very high value, particularly where the existence of an easement ha... Continue Reading