Legal Update: R v Alec John Smith [2020] EWCA Crim 777

William Douglas-Jones provides a brief overview of the take home messages from this judgment regarding the Criminal Procedural Rules and evidence requirements. To view this article please click here. ... Continue Reading

The Final Say on Lifting the Stay? 

Aadhithya Anbahan provides a case law update and analysis on lifting the PD51Z stay through examining the recent authorities of  Arkin v Marshall [2020] EWCA Civ 620 , London Borough of Hackney v Okoro [2... Continue Reading

Suspension of evictions extended by 2 months

In this article Jane Talbot outlines the recent decision to extend the suspension of evictions and discusses the likely impact upon Landlords, Tenants and the Courts. To view the article please click here.... Continue Reading

Offenders of Particular Concern – ADDENDUM

Special custodial sentences for offenders of particular concern can cause difficulties for judges and practitioners alike. Callum Church discusses these special sentences and their interaction with the new... Continue Reading

A case law update- a selection of the non-COVID-19 cases published during the pandemic

In this article George Smith looks at some of the interesting family law cases that have been decided during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the cases have been published during the lockdown, the principle... Continue Reading

Relief from sanctions: An overview and case law update by Harry Marriott

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, applications for relief from sanctions may become more frequent as deadlines are missed and court orders are not complied with. In three recent cases, the High Co... Continue Reading

Using documents for a collateral purpose and in separate proceedings – how likely are the courts to approve your application?

There will certainly be occasions where the use of documents disclosed in separate proceedings are useful to your case and it is desirable either to disclose these in the present case or to obtain advice o... Continue Reading

Housing in Lockdown: Avoid the pause button – how practitioners can continue to engage in effective case management during the Covid-19 pandemic

A review of the number ways Covid-19 can effect the progression and outcome of housing cases and how practitioners can continue to engage in effective case management during this challenging period. To vie... Continue Reading

Duchy Farm Kennels Limited v Steels [2020] EWHC 1208 (QB)

Alex Pritchard-Jones appears in an important case about the effect of breaches of confidentiality clauses contained within settlement agreements. To view the article, please click here. To view the judgeme... Continue Reading

Business and Property: ToLATA Update May 2020

In this article Matthew Haynes provides an update on ToLATA. To view the article please click here.   To view Matthew Haynes profile click here. ... Continue Reading