R v P (Children: Similar Fact Evidence) 2020 EWCA Civ 1088

On 18 August 2020, the Court of Appeal delivered their judgement in the case of R v P (Children: Similar Fact Evidence) [2020] EWCA Civ 1088, providing guidance on the general approach to be taken to simil... Continue Reading

Ban on evictions and notice periods extended in Government u-turn

The stay imposed on possession proceedings was due to expire on Sunday 23 August 2020.  However, in an 11th hour u-turn, Robert Jenrick announced on Friday afternoon that the ban on evictions would be ext... Continue Reading

Revisiting Force Majeure by Karamjit Singh

Force Majeure is reviewed by Karamjit Singh. The parties to a contract may be unable to fulfil its terms due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, whether they are allowed to escape any liability is examined ... Continue Reading

The End is in Sight – but what then? by Jane Talbot

The stay of possession proceedings (which started on 27 March 2020) comes to an end on 23 August 2020 and the courts and government have been working on plans how to resume possession cases after that date... Continue Reading

Towards a new normal? Possession Claims in the Brave New World by Michael Singleton

The government has confirmed that the stay that has been in place on virtually all possession claims will not be the subject to a further extension. Accordingly, as from 23 August[1]  existing claims will... Continue Reading

Rectification and Mortgage Fraud by Matthew Haynes

In this article, Matthew Haynes considers the recent Court of Appeal case of Dhillon-v-Barclays Bank plc and the Chief Land Registrar [2020] EWCA Civ 619 where Mrs Dhillon unsuccessfully sought rectificati... Continue Reading

PD 51Z – CLAIMS AND COUNTERCLAIMS: TFS Stores Ltd v The Designer Retail Outlet Centres (Mansfield) General Partner Ltd & Ors [2020] EWCA Civ 833

On 2 July 2020, in the case of TFS Stores Ltd v The Designer Retail Outlet Centres (Mansfield) General Partner Ltd & Ors [2020] EWCA Civ 833, the Court of Appeal considered another challenge to the PD ... Continue Reading

Conflicting Covenants – Revisiting Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent

What happens when a landlord: a.      On the one hand, gives Tenant A a licence to do something which would otherwise be a breach of Tenant A’s lease, but; b.      On the other hand, is under a... Continue Reading

Anya Newman successfully persuades County Court to lift the general stay on Possession Cases.

Anya Newman has recently been successful in persuading the County Court to use its discretion to lift the stay in a possession matter in order to enable the claim to be finalised. Ms Newman acted for Great... Continue Reading

Priya Tromans: ‘Beware of issuing ‘hopeless’ Inheritance claims in expectation of settlement’

Ever since  the well-known case of Ilott v The Blue Cross and others [2017] where an adult child was awarded £50,000 from her mother’s estate (notwithstanding their estrangement), practitioners are reg... Continue Reading