Failings – a case of ‘if’ or ‘when’? What lessons can be learnt from YY?

Natalie Cross is invited, for a second time, to write an article for the Family Law Journal. To view the article which explores the decision of YY (Children: Conduct of the Local Authority) [2021] EWHC 749... Continue Reading

Is mediation still a worthwhile cost? by Priya Tromans

Mediation is not just an exercise of horse-trading to achieve a compromised settlement. Of course, sometimes it may come down to this at the end of a negotiation, but it’s the journey to get to that poin... Continue Reading

Elizabeth Isaacs QC – Qualified Arbitrator; The Numerous Benefits of Arbitration

Arbitration offers parties the opportunity to opt out of the Court process completely and obtain a final, binding determination from a jointly appointed, family law specialist. Arbitration offers an afford... Continue Reading

UPDATED: The Prerogative Rules, Not the Statute: How to Place Children Under Sixteen in Unregulated Placements: Article by Tom Harrill

Family team member Tom Harrill considers the intricacies of the recent decision of Mr Justice MacDonald in Tameside MBC v AM & Ors [2021] EWHC 2472 (Fam) as updated by the Court of Appeal’s decision ... Continue Reading

Boundary Agreements following Gibson v New by David Nuttall

Published by the Property Law Journal at PLJ 2021, 391 Informal boundary agreements are an invaluable tool in any boundary dispute.  However, the recent decision of Gibson v New has snuck into the garden... Continue Reading

Family Group Newsletter: Summer 2021 Edition

To view the latest edition of the Family Group Newsletter please click here. Within this update you will find a range of articles including: ‘TT (Children: Discharge of Care Order) [2021] EWCA Civ ... Continue Reading

Family Group Newsletter: Spring 2021 Edition

To view the latest edition of the Family Group Newsletter please click here. Within this update you will find a range of articles including: ‘Requesting amplification of a judge’s reasons prior to... Continue Reading

The pitfalls of relying on s21 during the pandemic by Jane Talbot

Jane Talbot considers the implications of the recent case of Corp of Trinity House of Deptford Strond v (1) Dequincy Prescott (2) Clodagh Byrne for landlords and assured shorthold tenants where significant... Continue Reading

F v M [2021] EWFC 4 – Holly Hilbourne-Gollop

Holly Hilbourne-Gollop considers the recent High Court case of F v M [2021] EWFC 4 and the guidance provided in relation to allegations of coercive and controlling behaviour, the approach to be followed b... Continue Reading

Social Housing Autumn Round Up by Jane Talbot

In this article, Jane Talbot provides a brief overview of recent developments since the ending of the possession stay in September 2020. To view the article please click here. ... Continue Reading