The Evolution of Section 91(14) Orders – Tracy Lakin & Beth Stirling

Tracy Lakin and Beth Stirling consider the evolution of Section 91(14) Orders following the case of A Local Authority v F & Ors [2022] EWFC 127.  To view the article please click here. (Tracy Lakin,... Continue Reading

Children’s Arbitration: An Alternative to Court

St Ives, St Philips and No 5 Chambers are taking a collaborative approach to raise the awareness of the use of arbitration as an alternative to court proceedings. To view the article please click here. (D... Continue Reading

Custody Time Limits (CTLs)

Those in Criminal Practice, and beyond, will have seen a number of cases recently in which Custody Time Limits (CTLs) have not been extended during the ongoing CBA Action.  Two of these decisions were sub... Continue Reading

A case-law update on constructive trusts and proprietary estoppel by Matthew Haynes

Matthew Haynes provides an overview on some recent developments on constructive trust case-law, including the need for detriment. To view the article please click here. To view Matthew Haynes’ profil... Continue Reading

Goodbye to no fault evictions

Jane Talbot discusses the proposed housing reform contained in the Queen’s Speech including the long anticipated Renters Reform Bill. To view the article please click here. To view Jane Talbot’... Continue Reading

Head of Chambers, Elizabeth Isaacs QC, provides guidance at White Paper Conference

In this video clip, Elizabeth Isaacs QC, provides guidance at the White Paper Conference: Public Children: Shaping New Law into Solution-Focused Advice for your Clients. She considers the question: How do ... Continue Reading

‘To jab or not to jab, that is the question! An exploration of the rules on Covid-19 and flu vaccinations for looked after children’ by Natalie Cross

As we recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and the vaccination programme continues to roll out, practitioners are likely to face increased questions as to the rules on whether children currently looked after... Continue Reading

“Forensic Disaster”? – an Analysis of Rosebery Housing Association Ltd v Williams & Anor (2021) EW Misc 22 (CC)

Aadhithya Anbahan considers the recent County Court decision in Rosebery Housing Association Ltd v Williams & Anor [2021] EW Misc 22 and discusses the impact and implications of the judgment on landlo... Continue Reading

‘All judgments are capable of improvement’ – the advocate’s duty to seek further reasons and knowing where to draw the line

This article examines the duty of advocates to seek further reasons and/or points of clarification following the delivery of a judgment. In particular, the article explores the limits of this duty and how ... Continue Reading

Transparency in the Family Courts: Griffiths v Tickle [2021] EWCA Civ 1882

Eloise Marriott details the highly important decision in Griffiths v Tickle, explaining well the key issues addressed by the Court of Appeal and as covered at first instance and on appeal by Chambers’ Ti... Continue Reading