Pegasus Scholarship: Aadhithya Anbahan’s experiences within the American legal system

Aadhithya Anbahan has been awarded an outgoing Pegasus Scholarship from the Inns of Court Trust. Starting from the beginning of October 2017, she will be spending six weeks in Washington D.C working within... Continue Reading

Young women have stellar silks and judges to look up to

Several hundred barristers meet for their annual conference on Saturday. Five of them describe their hopes and fears for the profession. What is exercising young barristers? As the profession meets this Sa... Continue Reading

Housing Update: When are the homeless significantly vulnerable? by Anya Newman

In the normal course of life anyone who is without a bed to sleep in would be considered vulnerable, but what does vulnerability mean in the context of the Housing Act and how should Local Authorities deal... Continue Reading

HRA Claims: Where Are We Now? by Tom Harrill

HRA Claims: Where Are We Now? by Tom Harrill 2017 has been a key year for guidance from senior courts on the scope and management of claims under the Human Rights Act 1998 (‘HRA’). This document is... Continue Reading

Housing Law Update: The Court of Appeal considered the issue of whether a local authority had an obligation or power to conduct a review pursuant to s85ZA(2) Housing Act 1985

Housing Law Update: The Court of Appeal considered the issue of whether a local authority had an obligation or power to conduct a review pursuant to s85ZA(2) Housing Act 1985 outside the statutory 7 day ti... Continue Reading

Solicitors Journal, Elizabeth Isaacs QC

In the current edition of the Solicitors Journal, Elizabeth Isaacs QC comments on the pilot to get more judges involved in settlement conferences. To read more click here ... Continue Reading

“Domestic Violence and Abuse – the interplay between housing and domestic abuse” by Jane Talbot

On 3 November 2016 Communities Secretary Sajid Javid announced that local authorities could bid for a share of a £20 million fund to support victims of domestic abuse by increasing refuge spaces and other... Continue Reading

Housing Update: ‘No handrail, no relevant defect’ by Jane Talbot

The Court of Appeal has held that the freeholder of a building was not liable under the Defective Premises Act 1972 s4 where a man had fallen down a steep staircase with no handrail.  The lack of handrail... Continue Reading

Jane Talbot explores the interplay between housing and domestic abuse in the June 2017 edition of ‘Resolution’ magazine

In the June 2017 edition of Resolution magazine, Jane Talbot (Barrister) outlines the interplay between housing and domestic abuse.  The articles examines how social landlords can advise people who are su... Continue Reading

Mr Jeremy Weston QC publishes an article in the BMJ Archive to provide clarity on the law regarding child FGM

Mr Jeremy Weston QC, Head of St Ives Chambers, has published an article in the Archives of Disease in Childhood (a BMJ Journal) which provides clarity for healthcare professionals, teachers and social care... Continue Reading