Housing Update: Eales v Havering London Borough Council

The recent High Court decision in Eales v Havering London Borough Council (extempore judgment but note on lawtel) is worthy of mention for housing practitioners. The essence of the decision is that the mak... Continue Reading

Special Guardianship Orders Clarified: 10 Points to Note

On 18th June 2018, the Court of Appeal comprising the Senior President Sir Ernest Ryder, Sales LJ and Sir James Munby PFD handed down judgment in the case of In the matter of P-S (Children) [2018] EWCA Civ... Continue Reading

Law Update: A Missing Step?

In this latest article, Alexander Pritchard-Jones talks about ‘A Missing Step? The interaction of the guidelines on the imposition of community and custodial sentences and the specific offence guide... Continue Reading

Housing Update: Automatic discharge of SPO’s

The Court of Appeal has considered the interpretation of a clause in a suspended possession order that provides for automatic discharge after a prescribed period of time in the case of Armstrong v Ashfield... Continue Reading

Housing Update: Burden of proof in priority need homelessness cases – Rother District Council v Freeman-Roach [2018] EWCA Civ 368 by Jane Talbot

The Court of Appeal has considered who has the burden of proof in an appeal flowing from a challenge to the local authorities decision pursuant to section189(1)(c) Housing Act 1996 concerning who is in “... Continue Reading

“Kinship Assessments” By Elisabeth Richards

Another highlight from our Child Care conference, featured in our Child Care Newsletter. KINSHIP ASSESSMENTS 1.      In Cheshire East Borough Council v NA and others [2017] EWFC 20, MacDonald J was re... Continue Reading

Adoption Update by Elizabeth Isaacs QC

Another highlight from our Child Care conference, featured in our Child Care Newsletter. Adoption Update by Elizabeth Isaacs QC   Adoption – Procedural Unfairness 1.      Judicial review CAN be... Continue Reading

“NAI or NOT?” by Carol Binnion

Here is an article from our latest Child Care Newsletter. NAI or NOT? 1.      The recent case of Re Effie Stillwell (A Child) (sub nom. Re F (A Child); F v Buckinghamshire CC) (Family Court) Her Honou... Continue Reading

“HRA Claims” by Tom Harrill

HRA CLAIMS At our recent Child Care Conference, Tom Harrill spoke on the subject of Human Rights claims. Here are some key points from his presentation. 1.      There is a 1 year primary limitation pe... Continue Reading

“Top 5 Tips” By Mark Cooper

Here is an article from our latest Child Care Newsletter. 5 TOP TIPS 1.      Local authorities seeking a placement order should file with the court: a.      the child’s permanence report; and b... Continue Reading